Andrija KapetanovićAndrija Kapetanović
Andrija Kapetanović (dark mode)Andrija Kapetanović (dark mode)

Blog posts

  • Getting the Fundamentals Right: HTML

    In the second installment of the 'Getting the Fundamentals Right' series, we're tackling HTML—the backbone of web development. Building on the foundation laid in the introduction, we explore the essential elements and structure of HTML which will allow us to harness its power to the fullest.

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  • Getting the Fundamentals Right: Introduction

    Everybody likes to talk about the importance of fundamentals, but concrete steps are often lacking. Reflecting on two years of coding, I delve into the pivotal role of mastering HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This introduction focuses on creating robust mental models and memorable metaphors, essential steps for beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

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  • My first post and the journey so far

    In this inaugural blog post, I celebrate the culmination of a nine-month web development journey with the launch of my website. Crafted using TypeScript, Next.js, and Chakra UI, the site reflects my evolution from HTML novice to a confident developer. Explore my process and growth in this post.

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